College Hostel



Sponsored Teachers’ Training College has two hostels one is Labanya Prabha Hostel for girls’ students and another one is Rishi Nibaran Hostel for boys’ students. Both the hostels are situated at college campus.


Labanya Prabha Hostel

(For Girls)


Labanya Prabha Hostel is designed for female students. There are seventeen (17) rooms accommodating thirty-four (34) students. Each room is shared by two (2) students. All boarders are provided with cots, chairs and tables. Many flowers, fruits and plants are grown at the hostel premises. The hostel premises has well maintained and developed medicinal garden and butterfly garden with a large number of flowering plants which serve as hosts to different species of butterflies. The adjacent playground is used for outdoor activities. Hostel boarders can avail outdoor sports including cricket, football, badminton after the college hours. There is a separate dining area with chairs and tables. Each floor has two bathroom and toilets for students. LPG is used for cooking. The college authority appointed temporary cleaning staff to clean toilets, bathrooms, rooms and corridor every day. In hostel there are separate cook, helper to perform cooking duty. There are two (2) water recharging pits to recharge groundwater.


  • CCTV
  • Newspaper
  • Purified Water
  • Wi-Fi
  • Alternative Power Supply
  • Outdoor game.
  • First -Aid Box


The admission in the hostel commences at the time of admission of each academic session. Seats are given to new entrants i.e. the students of semester – I. Students seeking admission to the hostel have to apply separately. Admission in the hostel is affected on distance basis. The selection for accommodation in the hostel is made by the Hostel Committee. Number of candidates to be selected depends on the availability of seats.

Fees Structure

  • Hostel Admission Fees – Rupees 2000/- (one time at the time of admission non-refundable)
  • Seat Rent – Rupees 600/- per month
  • Mess Charge as per decision of the mess committee.
  • Electric charges as per electric bill issued by the WBSEDCL time to time.


          The overall control of the hostel is in the hands of the Principal of the college. The Hostel Superintendent maintains the discipline of the hostel. The whole system of the hostel runs under the care and co-operation of the Superintendent and other hostel employees. Policy decisions are made by the Governing body with the help of the hostel committee.

  • The composition of the hostel committee is –
  1. Dr Shyamal Kumar Biswas – Chairman
  2. Sri Biswajit Saha, Hostel Super, STTC, Purulia- Convener
  3. Mrs Barnali Ghosal, Assistant Professor, STTC, Purulia- Member
  4. Sri Pranab Banerjee, Lab Attendant, STTC, Purulia- Member
  5. Miss Aparna Das, L.D. Clerk, STTC, Purulia- Member


Rules and Regulation of the Hostel

  1. Access to the hostel is controlled. Any person other than student without permission of the competent authority cannot enter or reside in hostel without permission.
  2. No boarder shall stay overnight outside the college hostel without the permission of the competent authority.
  3. The hostel and mess will be open during the rest of the time except holidays. No resident shall be absent from the college hostel without the permission of the authority. In case of special need, absence from the hostel may be done subject to the permission of the competent authority on written application.
  4. For leaving hostel of any reason (home, private–tuition, daily market etc.) it is mandatory to write the details in the prescribed registers, Violators will be bound to accept the decision of the hostel committee.
  5. During college hours no boarders are allowed to stay at hostel, all have to attend regular classes, participate cultural activities and any other programmes organized by college. violators will be expelled immediately. All the boarders have to maintain well behaviour with all the stakeholders of the college.
  6. There is hostel chief (internal) who will be responsible for the monitoring the any needs and problems of the boarders and have to well connected with the superintendent regularly.
  7. The ‘Mess Committee’ specifically formed in each hostel will be responsible for monitoring of food and will try to solve any problems by communicating with the concerned authorities if necessary.
  8. In each hostel, the hostel staff assigned by the college is responsible for preparing the food for the residents. It is very important to show due respect to them. The hostel staffs will be responsible for food preparation as suggested by the mess committee representative.
  9. It is the responsibility of the residents to protect the properties of the hostel, as well as personal. If a resident damage the property, he/she shall be liable to pay appropriate amount of compensation.
  10. All the residents are required to return to the hostel in time i.e. by 8 p. m. Violators will be bound to accept the decision of the hostel committee.
  11. Male residents are prohibited from visiting female hostel and vice-versa. In case of extreme urgency, travel may be done subject to the written permission of the competent authority.
  12. During “Study Hour” – no resident may engage in any activity that disrupts the studies of another resident. Otherwise, the authorities may expel the resident from the hostel for disorderly conduct.
  13. Electricity and water should not be wasted.
  14. No separate and special arrangements can be made for any residential meals within the hostel.
  15. Parents can visit residents usually on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  16. Consumption/use of any kind of intoxicants/narcotics is strictly prohibited in the hostel. Violators will be expelled immediately.
  17. Any personal use of gas is strictly prohibited.
  18. Seat Rent is to be paid in every 6 months. For example, the money for the month of January to June must be paid in the month of January or else a penalty of rupees 100 per month will have to be paid.
  19. Electric Charge must be deposited on time otherwise you will be bound to follow the rules of electricity department.
  20. The designated dustbins must be used to dispose of garbage.
  21. Almost every year college campus experience extreme water crisis usually in March, April and May. So, at that time, even after the college authorities take initiative to solve the problem, if the problem is not solved, they have to accept the problem and stay in the hostel.
  22. Taking food in the hostel is compulsory while staying in the hostel.
  23. No one shall be absent without assigning responsibilities while in-charge of running the mess and hostel chief.


Girls' Hostel Room


Dinning hall


Girls' Hostel


Rishi Nibaran Hostel

(For Boys)


Rishi Nibaran Hostel is designed for female students. There are seventeen (17) rooms accommodating thirty-six (36) students. Each room is shared by four (4) students. All boarders are provided with cots, books, chairs and tables. Many flowers, and plants are grown at the hostel. The adjacent playground is used for outdoor activities. Hostel boarders can avail outdoor sports including cricket, football, badminton, and volleyball after college hours. Students have a separate dining area with chairs and tables. Each floor has one bathroom and toilet for students. LPG is used for cooking. The organization appointed temporary cleaning staff to clean toilets, bathrooms, rooms and corridor every day. In hostel there are separate cook, helper perform cooking duty. There are one (1) water recharging pit to recharge groundwater.


  • CCTV
  • Newspaper
  • Purified Water
  • Wi-Fi
  • Alternative Power Supply
  • Outdoor game.
  • TV
  • First -Aid Box


The admission in the hostel commences at the time of admission of each academic session. Seats are given to new entrants i.e. the students of semester – I. Students seeking admission to the hostel have to apply separately. Admission in the hostel is affected on distance basis. The selection for accommodation in the hostel is made by the Hostel Committee. Number of candidates to be selected depends on the availability of seats.

Fees Structure

  • Hostel Admission Fees – Rupees 2000/- (one time at the time of admission non-refundable)
  • Seat Rent – Rupees 600/- per month
  • Mess Charge as per decision of the mess committee.
  • Electric charges as per electric bill issued by the WBSEDCL time to time.


          The overall control of the hostel is in the hands of the Principal of the college. The Hostel Superintendent maintains the discipline of the hostel. The whole system of the hostel runs under the care and co-operation of the Superintendent and other hostel employees. Policy decisions are made by the Governing body with the help of the hostel committee.

  • The composition of the hostel committee is –
  1. Dr Shyamal Kumar Biswas – Chairman
  2. Sri Biswajit Saha, Hostel Super, STTC, Purulia- Convener
  3. Mrs Barnali Ghosal, Assistant Professor, STTC, Purulia- Member
  4. Sri Pranab Banerjee, Lab Attendant, STTC, Purulia- Member
  5. Miss Aparna Das, L.D. Clerk, STTC, Purulia- Member


Rules and Regulation of the Hostel

  1. Access to the hostel is controlled. Any person other than student without permission of the competent authority cannot enter or reside in hostel without permission.
  2. No boarder shall stay overnight outside the college hostel without the permission of the competent authority.
  3. The hostel and mess will be open during the rest of the time except holidays. No resident shall be absent from the college hostel without the permission of the authority. In case of special need, absence from the hostel may be done subject to the permission of the competent authority on written application.
  4. For leaving hostel of any reason (home, private–tuition, daily market etc.) it is mandatory to write the details in the prescribed registers, Violators will be bound to accept the decision of the hostel committee.
  5. During college hours no boarders are allowed to stay at hostel, all have to attend regular classes, participate cultural activities and any other programmes organized by college. violators will be expelled immediately. All the boarders have to maintain well behaviour with all the stakeholders of the college.
  6. There is hostel chief (internal) who will be responsible for the monitoring the any needs and problems of the boarders and have to well connected with the superintendent regularly.
  7. The ‘Mess Committee’ specifically formed in each hostel will be responsible for monitoring of food and will try to solve any problems by communicating with the concerned authorities if necessary.
  8. In each hostel, the hostel staff assigned by the college is responsible for preparing the food for the residents. It is very important to show due respect to them. The hostel staffs will be responsible for food preparation as suggested by the mess committee representative.
  9. It is the responsibility of the residents to protect the properties of the hostel, as well as personal. If a resident damage the property, he/she shall be liable to pay appropriate amount of compensation.
  10.  All the residents are required to return to the hostel in time i.e. by 8 p. m. Violators will be bound to accept the decision of the hostel committee.
  11.  Male residents are prohibited from visiting female hostel and vice-versa. In case of extreme urgency, travel may be done subject to the written permission of the competent authority.
  12.  During “Study Hour” – no resident may engage in any activity that disrupts the studies of another resident. Otherwise, the authorities may expel the resident from the hostel for disorderly conduct.
  13.  Electricity and water should not be wasted.
  14.  No separate and special arrangements can be made for any residential meals within the hostel.
  15.  Parents can visit residents usually on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  16.  Consumption/use of any kind of intoxicants/narcotics is strictly prohibited in the hostel. Violators will be expelled immediately.
  17.  Any personal use of gas is strictly prohibited.
  18.  Seat Rent is to be paid in every 6 months. For example, the money for the month of January to June must be paid in the month of January or else a penalty of rupees 100 per month will have to be paid.
  19.  Electric Charge must be deposited on time otherwise you will be bound to follow the rules of electricity department.
  20.  The designated dustbins must be used to dispose of garbage.
  21.  Almost every year college campus experience extreme water crisis usually in March, April and May. So, at that time, even after the college authorities take initiative to solve the problem, if the problem is not solved, they have to accept the problem and stay in the hostel.
  22.  Taking food in the hostel is compulsory while staying in the hostel.
  23.  No one shall be absent without assigning responsibilities while in-charge of running the mess and hostel chief.