The College commences work with Morning Assembly and every student shall attend the Morning Assembly in due manner.
Every student must carry his/her identity card while being present in the college premises.
Students, both boys and girls, should come to the college decently dressed up. They should adhere to the cultural values and ethos of the college.
Students’ participation in curricular and co-curricular activities are compulsory. They maintain punctuality in all respect.
Students are expected to be punctual to classes. Latecomers will be admitted only in exceptional cases and with the permission of the teacher.
A student should maintain at least 80% attendance in theory and 90% attendance in practicum of every course. Students who have below 50% of attendance in any course are not eligible to appear for the university examination. He or she will be debarred from the university examination.
Students should remit course fee, examination fee and university registration fee in time. Names will be struck off from the rolls who do not remit the fees within the last date of payment of fees.
Students should pay required amount for two Add-on course and one educational excursion in time.
Every student is expected to maintain the general cleanliness within the classrooms, library, laboratories, hostels and the campus in general.
Every student will remain answerable to the college authority for his/her activity and conduct in the college premises.
Any act which obstructs teaching, administrative activity and other proceedings of the college is strictly prohibited.
Students found involved in violent behaviour inside or outside the class and in group violence inside the campus, leading to bloody clashes, would be severely dealt with. Disciplinary action would be initiated against all those involved in them, leading to expulsion from the college.
Students should not resort to any method of protest for whatever reason. They should highlight their problems and issues to the Grievance Redressal Cell and the Principal for getting the grievances redressed.
Chewing paan, paan masala, gutka or any other tobacco products, smoking or consumption of any other intoxicating products is strictly prohibited.
Playing cards, spitting and loitering are strictly prohibited inside the college & hostel campus and shall invite severe punishment/disciplinary action.
Use of Cell phones is strictly prohibited during class hour.
Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the college, or property of a member of the college community, or other personal or public property, on or off campus will be considered as a punishable act.
During leisure hours, students are advised to use the library as maximum as possible.
Students should handle the college properties with care. Damage to the furniture or any other materials may lead to penalty or suspension from the college.
Indulging ragging, anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the campus and hostel are strongly prohibited as well as punishable.
Ragging in any form is a serious offence and those found indulging in it will be summarily expelled from the college. Do not rag and get ragged. All instances of ragging, including eve-teasing, must be brought to the notice of the Principal, either in writing or oral. Drop boxes have been arranged in the corridor. Aggrieved students can avail it. Students are advised to go through the relevant Govt. Act/Order published on the college website.
Without the permission of the Principal, students are not allowed to circulate any printed materials within the college campus.
The Institution does not take donations for admissions. All instances of demand for donations must be reported to the Principal.
Students are forbidden from organizing any meeting in the college or collecting money for any purpose without the prior permission of the Principal.
Students are required to check the college notice board, college website and WhatsApp group in regular basis for important announcements.
Non-compliance or violation of any of the above mentioned code of conduct can lead to appropriate action being taken against the concerned students.